What is a Physical Therapist?
Physical Therapists are graduates of accredited Physical Therapy programs that are BSPT (Bachelor of Science in Physical Therapy), MSPT (Master of Science in Physical Therapy) or DPT (doctor of Physical Therapy). They perform evaluations and formulate the plan of care for patients referred to Physical Therapy and initiate and carry out their treatments. Physical Therapy Technicians assist patients under the supervision of licensed therapists. When starting your therapy it is crucial to know if you are going to a registered facility and there are licensed personnel in the facility. You can check this out by going tohttp://www.ecptote.state.tx.us/.
Do I need a Physician referral?
Yes. In Texas, for a physical therapist to administer physical therapy, a physician’s referral is required. The prescription should be current and renewed every 30 days as needed.
Am I a candidate for Physical Therapy?
The following is a list of common reasons to come for physical therapy: pain,tightness and spasms, weakness, balance problems, difficulty walking, after joint surgeries, recovering from a serious injury, sprains and strains, neck and back pain, cardiac and respiratory problems, sports and accident related injuries, neurological disorders such as, stroke,Parkinson’s, multiple sclerosis, joint problems (shoulder, elbow, hand, hip, knee, ankle, foot), disorders in children, peripheral neuropathy and nerve damage. If you have a condition and are unsure physical therapy can help, please do not hesitate to contact us at 409.861.1009 in Beaumont and 409.982.8878 in Port Arthur.
How do I start my Physical Therapy?
If you have a valid physicians referral, you may contact us by phone, fax or email. Walk-ins are also welcome. We would verify insurance coverage, eligibility, co-pays, and deductibles prior to scheduling your initial visit/evaluation with the therapist.
What if I can’t afford my co-pays/deductible?
If at all possible, co-pays/deductibles are due at time of service. However, we understand the rising cost of healthcare including physical therapy interventions. To assist you, payment arrangements can be made with the front office.
Who decides when I get discharged from therapy?
Discharge will depend on the physicians referral and the status of your progress. Your progress is monitored by the physical therapist as shown by objective measurements and your subjective perception of your function. Discharge is deemed necessary when: 1) you have reached your maximum potential; 2) your condition is not progressing any more; 3) treatment interventions are not helping your condition.
How can I maximize my visits?
At our facility, active participation is a must. Although we incorporate feel good modalities such as heat, we only use them as an adjunct to our treatments; therapeutic exercises and activities are carried out by you, the patient. Each exercise should be carried out in a proper manner. You will be given home exercises that are to be performed especially on non-therapy days. Your progress largely depends on your compliance and attendance.